"The Sonic the Hedgehog movie, released in 2020, is a live-action and computer-animated adventure comedy film based on the popular video game series of the same name. The film stars Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic and James Marsden as the human character, Tom Wachowski.
The film offers an entertaining and action-packed adventure that appeals to both fans of the video game series and general audiences. The special effects used to bring Sonic to life are impressive and the animation is well-done. The acting is also solid, with Schwartz delivering a lively and charming performance as Sonic, and Marsden providing a good comedic relief. The film also offers a good balance of humor and action, making it a fun and enjoyable experience for all ages.
Overall, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is a fun and entertaining film that offers a solid adaptation of the beloved video game series. It's a movie that will appeal to both fans of the games and general audiences looking for a fun, action-packed adventure. It's a good family-friendly movie that will keep you entertained.
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020) (Blu-Ray + DD5.1 Original Audios) - [720p - (DD5.1 - 640Kbps) - (Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng) - 1.3GB | x264 - (Tel + Tam) - 450MB] - ESub
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